Shawn Jordan, Nazaré Scientific Strategy Director, recently hosted an LTEN webinar, Improv Skills to Improve Engagement, for training professionals and leaders working in the pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device and diagnostics industries. As a takeaway, we’ve compiled a quick read on why the foundational skills of improv theater can truly help your teams tackle some classic challenges in engagement.
Let’s be real: it’s difficult for training to account for every possible outcome in the real world, and yet our learners need to be equipped to adapt, even in the face of unpredictability.
Though it may seem like improv theatre performers are merely “winging it,” the truth is that this art form is anchored by active listening, collaboration, and agile thinking, skills that are key to successful engagement.
We employ improv-inspired games that allow participants to practice these key skills in a fun and engaging way. This means they can harness untapped potential and perform everyday tasks such as handling objections, fostering client relations, and building influence effectively.
Our games have been expertly designed – in partnership with our behavioral science team – to bring new creativity and insight to your learners. Through the power of improv, they’ll be better able to build empathy, foster trust, catalyze action, and control curiosity, putting you and your team ahead of the rest.
Download in PDF form here.
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